Sunday, November 15, 2009

I reset my password!

Yeah, I fail at remembering passwords. I could have sworn I knew what it was, but ... guess it wasn't.
So now I'm finally back writing and reading blogs. Woohoo!
I started a Zazzle store and have no idea what to put on it.
Ever done that?

On a more upbeat note, I finally hit 40k at the local NaNo write-in! I may actually finish this before Thanksgiving like I wanted to. Yessss. Now my MC can start freaking out about all the zombies she's living with.
I know, took her long enough.

I'm listening to too much music. Makes me feel better.
Even though it's not the most motivational music.
Anything's better than quiet though, right?

*fights urge to start illustrating NaNo novel before it's finished*

*fights urge to start illustrating other people's NaNo novels*

*posts photo to take mind off of drawing*

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