Sunday, December 13, 2009

The gods of winter wildlife are smiling....

...though I suppose most deities pertaining to the wee beasties of the field are ladies. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Yesterday was just one of those days when the animals come out to play.
First off, I had to go back upstairs to get the camera before heading out to Staples. Almost didn't, but I hate leaving home without. Was pretty sure the batteries were good, didn't bother packing spares.
At 10 AM on that surreal, snowy Saturday I could be found (of course) racing sneakily over to the trash heap (okay, just a big Dumpster, but it had a white wall running round it like it wasn't fit to see) behind Staples to spook the crows into flight.
This was when I discovered my camera was almost out of battery. Whoops.
There were dozens of crows, though, gobbling their frozen food, and I determined to go till either the batteries quit or the birds got wise and hid from me.
Well, the batteries didn't quit.
I did manage some fairly nice silhouettes for a t-shirt and a surprisingly black-and-white color photo:

Next order of business was presumably "go home."
But there were these icicles on all the lamps in the park....
Slight detour had me merrily wallowing through knee-deep drifts in a quest for lamps. Something caught my eye as I was making my way past the pines, though, and I ended up in a half-hour photoshoot with this gorgeous (if rather grumpy) redhead, who swore and cussed at me while dumping snow on my head:

That's when I realized my camera was almost out of memory. Whoops.
Perhaps you take better pictures when you know you're going to have to delete something to take the next one?
Mercifully, impressively, she didn't move from that branch the whole time - not frightened, just disapproving. Finally, she tired of my own incessant chatter, washed her face up a bit (a pity, because squirrels with snow in their ears are cuter than babies), and waddled gracefully off to the next tree.

I hear the crows out there now, and I really want to go out and chase them.
I've had dreams that consist solely of taking pictures of crows.
What's up with that?
Anyway, enjoy your winter, enjoy your holidays, enjoy the little critters who are nice enough to share them with you.
Until next time,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm going out THERE

Charged up two sets of batteries, set my hair to Attack Mode (i.e. Yeti Mode), and am digging out the mittens (can only wear one, as other hand must be gloved for ease of camera operation.)
Shall dig out Ginormous Crocheted Scarf. Inspirational snow-music playing. Snowflake pin worn. Wish. Me. Luck.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is what the buffer's for...

I've been lazing around on my NaNoing. I know, awful late in the story to run into a wall, but I can't decide just how evil this girl is going to be, and how gullible the MC is.

I've been slacking on everything else too.
It's been cold and dry, nothing to take pictures of but the fountain, which would've looked a lot nicer on a clear day.

Also, this thing:

What in the name of all that is holy is that thing? I actually stopped in a crosswalk to get a picture of it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I reset my password!

Yeah, I fail at remembering passwords. I could have sworn I knew what it was, but ... guess it wasn't.
So now I'm finally back writing and reading blogs. Woohoo!
I started a Zazzle store and have no idea what to put on it.
Ever done that?

On a more upbeat note, I finally hit 40k at the local NaNo write-in! I may actually finish this before Thanksgiving like I wanted to. Yessss. Now my MC can start freaking out about all the zombies she's living with.
I know, took her long enough.

I'm listening to too much music. Makes me feel better.
Even though it's not the most motivational music.
Anything's better than quiet though, right?

*fights urge to start illustrating NaNo novel before it's finished*

*fights urge to start illustrating other people's NaNo novels*

*posts photo to take mind off of drawing*

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yikes - better get going.

I typed all of 400 words yesterday, sooo ... I need to hustle. I can breathe again, and my throat isn't on fire, so I might actually be able to focus long enough to get words down.
My MC is in a pretty boring place right now, can't think of much to type for her. Time to get her back out into the woods ASAP!

I also need to get mealworms for the gecko. Poor baby. He was messing with his food dish in the middle of the night to see if any more would magically appear.

Oh, in other news, I finally bothered to download GIMP. So now I can make pretty pikshurs whatever size I want! PhotoImpression was nice enough, but it didn't let you make new documents; you had to start out with a picture. No transparency option, either.

Wish me luck!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Mrm. So tired. Throat hurts. Nose runs. Must...







Sunday, November 1, 2009

NaNo - Zero Day

And so, it begins.

Like, everyone has typed more than I have so far, but I'm not going to worry. Yet.

Should I?

*bites nails*

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Gooood morning

First blog!
How remarkably unimpressive!
I guess it's like babies ... they're being born all the time, but *yours* is naturally the most specialest.


Happy Halloween, all. I really wish I had an excuse to dress up this year. I'm incredibly tempted to just put on a mask and a cape and wander the streets as if I'm on my way to or from a party. Isn't that the point of a party, anyhow? Not being indoors and rather bored with your face paint melting or your collar chafing, but running around the streets shrieking wildly, scaring pedestrians and causing vehicles to swerve.
At least, that's what I've gathered from the last drive around campus.
You know, I should. I should dress up and wander. I'm sure I could throw something together; the mask from the FerretGirl costume four years ago, the seashell headdress from the Sea Nymph costume three years ago, the cape from ... I don't know, I just wanted a cape.
I'll brush, not comb, my hair so it inflates to twelve times its natural size, I'll wear those blue cowboy boots I got for my birthday, dig out the black lipstick (I've already got the nail polish on), wear my spider necklace AND my bat necklace (and maybe that pin shaped like a lizard?) ... it'll be fun!
Come on.
Dare me.