Saturday, January 1, 2011


First post!
Of the year, that is.
On this blog, that is.

My New Year's Eve celebration consisted chiefly of eating pretzels and wearing everything leopard-print that I owned.
There's actually quite a lot of it.
Though I just now realized I forgot the pin, the leopard pin. Got the gloves, the shirt, the necklace (yes, the necklace!) but not the pretty stalking leopard with the green gem eyes.
I don't, now I think of it, know where that pin is at all. Dear me. I like that pin.

Moving on. Went somewhere just a little fancy, but stayed indoors and watched the sleet build up on the roads and turned up the heater and read The Restaurant at the End of the Universe and wondered just how many hotel rooms in other states could boast a completely unobstructed view of sleet-coated cornfield stubble from their third-floor windows.


Was nearly trampled to death in the morning as the previously-deserted lobby filled with families in pajama pants just in time for breakfast. Was very nearly punched in the crotch by a small child who was violently stretching and yawning without paying attention to his surroundings.

There were corndogs in the cooler along with the skim milk and the fruit and the low-fat yogurt. Wasn't entirely sure what to make of that one except that in Iowa we have corndogs for breakfast, and if you have a problem with that well you can just take your lite yogurt and your fruit cup and shut the heck up. Or something to that effect.

I got the first week of my Penguin Project set up, but aside from that have truly done nothing constructive and don't really plan to. Even this blog represents a surprising amount of effort on my part - as reading it has no doubt been on yours. I'm not going to re-read that sentence to see whether it was grammatically correct, I'm just going to go back and sprinkle some random pictures from last year/week throughout the text to make this all halfway worthwhile.

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