Christmas, New Year's, 2010 ... the whole shebang.
In case any of my two followers were wondering, my Thanksgiving meal went just fine. Pomegranate sauce needed ... tweaking, but on the whole it turned out quite prettily, if I say so myself.

Classes are finally done with (till next year), and I'm working away on my art while I can. Penguins are popular, from the looks of it, so I'm going all out with that. Shameless promotion of my two newest designs here:
Normally it'll put related items in that link, so apparently the tags "fairy princess penguin" don't come up together often on Zazzle?
Anyhow, I'm collecting penguins now as part of a fun little Squidoo project of mine called 365 Days of Penguins. I'm going for a new penguin every day (well, 7 per week since I'm too lazy to update daily), which given the glut of penguin designs in recent times shouldn't be impossible. There's really no point or purpose to the whole thing, but it makes me feel as if I'm doing something constructive.
I haven't any gifts for anyone yet, though two are supposed to be arriving in the mail from ThinkGeek any day now. Yes, I buy people presents from ThinkGeek. Because I like ThinkGeek. And we always buy presents for other people based on what we like.
And, that's about it. Work's good, didn't fail college yet, no major baking disasters. It's An Uneventful Life.
Until next time, then. Good night, sleep tight - a merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all.